Biodiesel is used to refer to renewable fuels that can be burned in a diesel engine. Biodiesel is most often made from the oil extracted from a variety of plants, such as peanuts or soybeans, although it can also be made from animal fats. Vegetable oil needs treatment before it can be burned.

Wood Gas

Methanol has progressed a long way since the days of its production by the destructive distillation of wood. It's now sustainably produced alongside other biofuels, such as ethanol. It represents a more affordable, available way for individuals, organizations, and countries to reduce carbon.

Alternative fueling station


Ethanol is a type of biodiesel that you're probably familiar with - it's the same alcohol found in spirits! However, bioethanol is a renewable resource that you can create using agricultural feedstock, like sugar cane and potatoes. With recent advances, though, it's also produce bioethanol using algae! 

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Wood gas is less well known than its other biofuel counterparts, but as the new kid in town, its potential has to be truly tapped. By burning down things we already have available, like woodchips and sawdust, we're able to produce an abundance of wood gas and reduce our reliance on petroleum.


Energy Technology


Some 1.4 billion people worldwide live without access to electricity. About 2.7 billion cook and heat traditionally with firewood or other biomass with negative consequences for household member's health and the environment. Without energy, no food can be cooked. Without lighting public life comes to a halt at dusk. Plants need energy to produce. Social facilities such as hospitals need energy to cool their medication. Granting people access to modern energy sources is therefore a key challenge of the 21st